Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Container transfer to Bakhresa ICD put off over irregularities

   THE Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has suspended transfer of containers to Said Salim Bakhresa & Company Limited Inland Containers Depot (ICD) over allegations that clearance of containers from the company’s depot did not follow procedures.
Without mentioning how many containers were removed un-procedurally, TRA’s move follows concern that the acts made the government lose revenue much as it contravenes the East African Community Customs Management Act 2004 and its Regulations.
In an official TRA communication with reference number TRA/CUS/1.20/VOL VII/15 from the office of Commissioner for Customs and Excise addressed to the General Manager at Said Salim Bakhresa & Company, the taxman expresses concern over a case regarding un-procedural clearance of containers to and from the ICD.
The letter, seen by ‘Daily News’, written by one Mr Wolfgang Salia on November 17 this year to the General Manager at Said Salim Bakhresa & Company Limited contained a statement that TRA was suspending the transfer of containers to the said ICD.
“You are aware that such removal of goods from the customs- controlled area, of which government taxes and duties have not been paid, is unlawful in accordance with the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 and its Regulations as it may result into loss of government revenues,” noted Mr Salia.
Mr Salia noted that it had been decided to stop allocation of containers to Said Salim Bakhresa & Company ICD with immediate effect from the date of the letter until the said matter is resolved.
Basing on the fact, TRA suspended the transfer of containers from the Said Salim Bakhresa & Company Limited ICD. The letter was copied to the Tanzania International Container Terminal Services (TICTS) Managing Director, Dar es Salaam Port Manager at Tanzania Port Authority (TPA), Tanzania Shipping Agents Association (TASAA), Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association (TAFA) and Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA).
The ‘Daily News’ sought comment from the Dar es Salaam Port Manager, Mr Hebel Mhanga, yesterday, who confirmed that the moment they received the TRA communication, they stopped taking containers to the ICD. He said ongoing state investigations over loss of containers, which can only be found on TPA documents and do not appear on TRA documents, has all happened at the Said Salim Bakhresa & Company Limited Inland Containers Depot (ICD).
“The ongoing investigations by state organs is focusing on one ICD where all containers ‘were lost,’’ he said. When contacted over the matter yesterday, a manager at one of the subsidiaries within Said Salim Bakhresa Group, Mr Said Mohamed, said he was not responsible for the ICD. He directed the ‘Daily News’ to a person identified by only one name as Khan, who manages the ICD. Mr Mohammed is responsible for the flour products section.
The TRA Director of Tax Education, Mr Richard Kayombo, said when contacted yesterday that he would not commit himself to saying anything on grounds that the matter was still under a probe that is yet to be concluded.
“I cannot comment anything on that matter since it’s under investigation, which is managed by state organs. When issues are at such a stage, I am not allowed to publicly comment on them,’’ he pointed out.
The 'Daily News' could not get a comment from the TASAA Chairman, Mr Peter Kirigini, yesterday either as calls to his phone went unanswered. Recently, during a surprise visit to the port, Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa sacked five officers from Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) over responsiblity for the loss of 349 containers, worth 80bn/- , at Dar es Salaam port.
Those who were sacked include Tax Commissioner, Tiagi Masamaki, Customer Service Unit official, Habibu Mpozya, ICT Officer Haruni Mpande, Head of Inland Container Depots (ICD) Eliachi Mrema and Hamis Ali Omari.
Premier Majaliwa said data about the lost containers found on TPA documents but do not appear on TRA documents shows that there were suspicious things going on at the port.
President John Pombe Magufuli also suspended the TRA Commissioner General, Rished Bade and appointed Mr Philiph Mpango to act in his place. Before being suspended, Bade admitted that the containers ‘got lost’ with theft being committed between the Dar es salaam port at the Ubungo ICD.
He had said that as a result of the theft, the owner of the ICD had been ordered to pay a fine of 12.6bn/-, and had already paid 2.4bn/- of the total. On Saturday, the government suspended three more employees from TRA who were previously supposed to be transferred upcountry following surprise visit by the Prime Minister, Mr Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa, on Friday.
The Prime Minister’s Office said the trio -- Anangisye Mtafya, Nsajigwa Mwandengele and Robert Nyoni -- were also being interdicted. The PMO also used the opportunity to direct the interim TRA boss, Dr Mpango, to follow up on his directives by serving suspension letters to the trio.
On Friday, Bade and five other senior officials were suspended in the wake of ‘disappearance’ from TRA tax ledger of 349 containers leading to over 80bn/- loss in government revenue.

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